BW Ideolは、イノベーションを礎とし、浮体式洋上風力発電の実経験と国際的な成功実績に裏打ちされ、さらなる発展を遂げてきました。
フランスで初めて 送電網に接続した、 フランスで初めての 本格的な洋上風力発電
Floatgen (2 MW) is in operation for more than 4 years off Le Croisic (Atlantic Coast) and has already produced more than 20 GWh. Learn more about this French premiere here.
フランスで 唯一稼動中の 本格的な 浮体式洋上風力発電
Floatgen is the first and still the only full-scale operating in France. Learn more about this project here.
日本で最初に GWレベルプロジェクトの パイプラインを発表した 浮体式洋上風力発電の グローバルリーダー
BW Ideol is involved in the most strategic markets with more than 3,4GW of substantiated pipeline of projects under development across Europe, Asia and the US. In Japan, we have the largest project pipeline with more than 2.2GW under development. Learn more about our projects in Japan here.
フランスと日本という 2つの地域・2つの戦略的市場で 成功裡に稼動をしている 唯一の浮体式洋上風力発電技術
世界初のコンクリート製 本格的浮体式洋上風力発電
We were among the first to believe in concrete as the best construction material for floaters (Floatgen's floater has been built in concrete in Saint-Nazaire harbour) and we still think so ! Concrete - compared to steel - is the least polluting material, the least subject to price volatility, and the easiest to supply. DNV has recently published a report (conducted for JELSA) which indicates that "Concrete floaters come out on top in terms of cost, carbon-footprint and european serial production capabilities".
But that does not prevent us from being agile and manufacture our Damping Pool® in steel for pilot-scale projects or in countries with very mature steel and shipbuilding industries.
Picture credits : BW Ideol / Bouygues TP / Centrale Nantes
浮体をコンクリート製に することによって、 地域価値創造No1へ
Thanks to concrete, BW Ideol's floating foundation offers multiple construction and launching methods to guarantee the highest level of local content near the project sites. Watch here the local benefits generated by the Floatgen project.
大西洋の大嵐 日本の台風 それら両方を乗り切った 唯一の浮体式洋上風力発電技術
Floatgen (France) and Hibiki (Japan) have both demonstrated that BW Ideol’s technology is not only universal but can perform, produce power and safely weather extreme conditions such as typhoons. BW Ideol has recently announced a record production day for Floatgen on Nov 7th 2022, this with an amazing average capacity factor of over 80% since Nov 1 & with waves of up to 4.5 meters.
近い将来に想定される 大型洋上風力発電機を 搭載した場合においても、 コンパクトであり続ける 初の浮体式洋上風力発電技術
Damping Pool® is the most compact floating foundation on the market. This compactness applies to the dimensions of the barge, whether in width or draft, and allows for access to more port facilities in order to built, launch and store the floating substructures as well as assemble and fit the wind turbines at quay.
世界で初めて、係留に 合成繊維索を採用した 本格的浮体式洋上風力発電
Innovation is everywhere in our solution, and also in the mooring system. The use of synthetic fibers (as it's the case for the Floatgen project) reduces costs while being resistant in the long-term.
Picture credits : Bexco / Centrale Nantes
浮体の連続生産と 海への進水が可能な港を 長期的かつ独占的に 確保できている 唯一の浮体式洋上風力技術
BW Ideol has gained an exclusive and long-term access to Ardersier Port (Scotland) for the manufacturing of concrete floaters. With this partnership, BW Ideol is the only company securing a unique access to a strategic asset, unlocking the bottleneck of port infrastructure availability in Scotland.
Picture credit : Ardesier Port Authority
平らなデッキスペースを用い、 洋上でのO&Mや 主要部品の交換を 容易に行える、 浮体式洋上風力発電の 世界初ソリューション
On top of allowing a wind turbine quay-side installation, our barge-type technology meets the main challenges of O&M and MCR.
スコットウィンド入札の 開発権利獲得済案件向けに 初めて採用された 浮体式洋上風力発電技術
The development of the Buchan Offshore Wind project has been allocated to BW Ideol, in partnership with BayWa & Elicio, within the framework of the ScotWind tender led by Crown Estate Scotland. BW Ideol is both positionned as a co-developer, but also as the technology provider of this 1GW project.
最も完成度が高く実用的。 一歩先を行く 浮体式洋上変電所の コンセプト
BW Ideol and Hitachi Energy are developing an universal floating offshore substation for both bottom-fixed and floating offshore wind farms starting at depths of 40 meters.